If your looking for that perfectly built male with no health issues here he his,With Champion lines and many
wonderful dogs behind him. Diesel is proven and has produced some knock out puppies.
Diesel's stud fee is $500.00 which is due at the time of breeding.We guarantee our breedings.If breeding fails
its on us her next season.Pick of the litter with full akc registration is also an option.
When breeding is taking place we also offer boarding at no additional cost.
Breedings are done by a.i here at my home and have been very sucessful.
Please note females must be healthy and up to date on vaccinations for breeding to take place.We also recommend
they have a blood test to determine where they are in there season and how close to ovulation they are for better chances
of the eggs becoming fertilized!
Please call 330-837-3620 or 330-690-4406 if you need immediate assistance.You may also email at jburnsakron@aol.com to
schedule a breeding!